Saturday, May 11, 2024

Today's warning: "EXPLAINER - Brutal heatwaves and submerged cities: what a 3C world would look like"

"EXPLAINER - Brutal heatwaves and submerged cities: what a 3C world would look like" 

As we surge forward, expecting everyone else to pay to stop the effects of climate change.  

As we hop in our big vehicles to drive to local stores to do more shopping, or jump onto our big boats to do more sailing, or skip onto yet another plane for a trip around the world again this year, creating incessant demand for more carbon while the world burns.  

Thank God PP Le Pire came to power and got rid of that nasty retail carbon tax the lefties had been imposing on me.  Now I can spend and do everything I've been doing with my inherited wealth without any consequences for myself, except for good ones.  

Sure, our new summer ritual is occasionally looking up at the forest fire burning smog-filled skies with fleeting worry, ignoring the ugly old people around me who can't breathe and need to go back home (all the better not to have to look at them, I guess, because they make us feel guilty and worried about our own future and who wants to feel like that?) 

Get out of my way as I need to speed down my new Highway paved over marsh lands and endangered species so I can get back home a couple minutes faster and watch the latest episode of the junk we're watching on Netflix. And turn on the bbq to eat more dead animals farmed using the carbon-heavy practices, now treated equally with other cleaner farming options because we don't tax pollution anymore.   And still the price of meat is higher than ever at my local grocery store despite the carbon tax elimination, funny that. 

If this is the world you dream of, get ready.  Here's a preview of where we're going as the global temperature continues to rise far past 1.5 C in the years and decades ahead.  It's coming.  Are you ready for it?  Are your kids ready for it?  Are your grandkids or future grandkids ready for it?  

Climate scientists have told the Guardian they expect catastrophic levels of global heating. Here’s what that would mean for the planet

1 comment:

  1. money and the entitled devastation it is used for.
    There are only 2 things that you can Buy ... environmental devastation and/or landfill.
    I call them Cideophiles.
    Cide for the ecocide, genocide, speciocide caused and enjoyed as they seek endless enjoyments with no regard for the consequences of their actions. Or eco-pedos as they demand the fresh, the new, the virgin unspoiled to consume.
    They/we mearly mumble and shuffle at the rape of the earth.
    Dominion , our right to enslave/own, enslave and rape/use in our own way and kill/destroy eliminate anything that mildly offends us.
    Because we can afford it and we care not for the damage as long as we are amused.
    And all of current society/economy is geared 100% to enable the process.
