Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shia LaBeouf's latest transgression shows how far we haven't come...

Ouch! Apparently in 2008 or 2007 or 2006 or whenever this video featuring Hollywood actor Shia LaBeouf (pictured) was shot, it's still okay to casually use the word "faggot" between friends, especially when you're at a house party and drunkenly goading a friend into bitch-slapping you.

Now LaBeouf, 22, has apologized profusely for this latest transgression.

“The videotape that is currently being circulated is several years old and captures Shia playing a game among friends in which he uses a derogatory word toward a friend,” LaBeouf’s rep has said. “He regrets having used the word in any capacity and is very embarrassed that this footage is being seen by anyone.”

This follows a couple other incidents that got LaBeouf some unwanted attention - he was arrested last year for refusing requests to leave a drugstore in Chicago and an arrest warrant was issued for him in March after he was accused of failing to turn up in court to face a charge of smoking in a prohibited area in California. The trespassing charges were dropped and LaBeouf pleaded guilty to the illegal smoking charges and was ordered to pay a fine. Perhaps LaBeouf won't end up being the next Hollywood It Boy after all.

The similarities with Saskatchewan MP Tom Lukiwski's anti-gay 1991 video rant are remarkable. Whether it be in 1991 or 2006 or so, just serve your average straight guy a little alcohol, turn on a video camera and wait - the homophobic bigotries will spew out in good time. I guess we, as a culture, still have a ways to go before such casual bigotries disappear. I'd be curious to find out when widespread usage of the word "nigg*r" disappeared from casual, drunken conversations in mainstream society.

I had been under the impression that today's younger generation of men might be less homophobic and unwilling to use such bigoted language so easily. I'm sorry to discover I'm wrong.


  1. That SO isn't a real pic of Shia... though whoever it is... HOT speedo. :D

  2. Okay, merboy, I think you may be right about that other photo. So I've posted a new one we know for sure is Mr. LaBeouf...

  3. This one is also hot... I approve. :D

  4. I think everyone should really leave him alone about this video. From what I read and heard about Shia he seems like a very nice person. Who would not harm anyone or mean to affend anyone. This video was done between "friends" he was drinking. Its a shame that these "friends" used him to make money and sell this video or leaked it out. He said sorry and I believe him. He is a talented actor and I think its a shame for anyone to focus on this issue.

  5. I don't doubt that Shia is a good person and a good actor. I'm just tired of forgiving straight guys or others who casually use "faggot" in a demeaning way when drunk or any other time. Let's call a spade a spade.
