Sunday, January 5, 2025

Eddie Goldenberg is pushing his anti-democratic BS again.

Former Chretien advisor Eddie Goldenberg is pushing his anti-democratic BS again. 

Last month, he wanted all candidates pushed aside so that Chrystia Freeland could be anointed as the new leader of the Liberal Party of Canada and Prime Minister.  

Today, he's pushing for a rushed process in which the final decision on the future of our country is made by about 150 insider Liberal MPs.   

I couldn't disagree more.  Due process that is open and democratic is always the best option for democracies.  

Appointments like the one Michael Ignatieff enjoyed in 2009 haven't worked out so well for the Liberal Party in the past.  Why would it today?  

Don't forget that Eddie is the guy who advised Jean Chretien to get the federal government out of the social housing business in the 1990s as he pushed a hard centre-right austerity agenda, which led to the current housing crisis Canada is in today.  

My point: listening to this guy is a big mistake.  We should ignore him now.  

Eddie's big mistake: he assumes an elitist, insider, undemocratic leadership process will impress Canadians, when in reality it will confirm to Canadians that the rot is party-wide not just consigned to Trudeau, and will lead to the party's demise in the election this year.  That would be good work, Eddie!  #cdnpoli

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