My post yesterday got some decent response, including some push back against my kind words for Mark Carney.
One acquaintance wrote: "Christy an excellent retail politician one on one with the public. Middle of the road to bring in moderate voters. Carney unfortunately will be seen as another elitist. Christy is a tough negotiator with big corporations to get what she wanted. I didn't always support her but she is the only viable alternative to Poilievre."
Others seconded those sentiments. I have to agree I would worry about Carney's ability to effectively counter those inevitable attacks that he's an elitist who ordinary voters will struggle to relate to.
Other Liberals are looking not only for someone who makes sense for today's political climate, but also someone who might be skilled in the political trenches to do the work rebuilding after a likely defeat in 2025. It's not clear Mr. Carney would have those skills or stick around to rebuild a shattered party.
I of course hope a new Liberal leader would make that party more competitive against the Conservatives. It would all depend on the effectiveness of that person credibly parting from the mediocre Trudeau past and forging an inspiring and reassuring path forward for the country.
I will consider Christy Clark very seriously if she also runs. It's true, she led a centre-right government in British Columbia as head of the B.C. Liberals, an amalgam at the time of Liberals and Conservatives.
I also agree that a gentle move back to the centre from Trudeau's virtue-signalling would be welcome. Of course, it's not just embracing moderate policy. It's also most importantly about adopting a more populist approach to politics, meaning ensuring that the people feel like the government is deeply responsive to their real needs, not just meeting the needs of the elite and powerful.
The more I think about it, the less I agree Carney is that person. So yes, I guess you could put me firmly in the undecided column, torn between Clark and Carney. I'll await their performances on the leadership campaign trail.
Of course, all of this assumes Justin Trudeau will very soon put us out of our misery and announce his resignation. Come on, Justin, please don't keep us waiting too much longer!!!
If you want to replace Trudeau with someone better, Clark, Carney and Freeland all fall short of the mark. A lot of people think worse is better these days.
I disagree strongly obviously. I do see Chrystia even as better than JT but Carney and Clark would be too. Trudeau is so hated he’s a non starter now. If he stays he will lead the Liberals to destruction they’ll never recover from
Let's face it Matt. Freeland has proven to be a backstabber who can't be trusted . Carney is not really interested : why would he disrupt his life for this shit.? Clark is MAGA not Liberal. There may be others but not these three.
Again can’t agree. Carney apparently is quite interested and organizing. And Clark was not and is not MAGA. Kind of nonsense to say that.
Christy Clarke is just a political opportunist looking for somewhere, anywhere, to hang her hat.
Her past shows her as right of the right wing .
FFS, you will be recommending Gordon Campbell next!
Of course Clark will mentioned as a replacement by all PMJT haters ( step up Warren Kinsella) but was she really a Liberal? The LPC has an affinity for 'shiny objects' look at Michael Ignatieff and Dion as examples of failure.
I would say keep PMJT and let him campaign against PP and his silly non-policy mantras. If the Libs are to go down let them go down fighting, not with a new leader and a whimper!
I think Christy has always been a traditional Liberal, and was on the left side of that BC Liberal coalition while it existed, she did what she had to do and remain a BC Liberal. We'll see how she runs this time for the federal Liberals - we may find her more of a progressive on several issues. On electoral reform, she was in favour of Proportional Representation in the 2009 BC referendum. I don't see and I don't think many people see policy evolutions like this so dramatically as you.
Fair comment and it may end up happening as who knows what JT will actually do. If he's staying, he ought to call the election today!!!
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