Sunday, June 16, 2024

Today’s reminder: “No pride in occupation’: queer Palestinians on ‘pink-washing’ in Gaza conflict”

 “No pride in occupation’: queer Palestinians on ‘pink-washing’ in Gaza conflict”

Lots of privileged, centrist and conservative queers in the powerful West love to pretend Israel is a beacon of queer acceptance in the Middle East.  This helps prove Israel’s civility, they claim, ignoring facts to the contrary.

Not quite, as this Guardian article explores.  Required reading if you have no idea what I’m writing about.  

Does this mean Israel is all bad and that progressive activists should align with Hamas?  Of course not.  But we should be reminded there is a definite need for truly oppressed peoples to sympathize and support other truly oppressed peoples if you claim to be a supporter of human rights for all. And point out when allies are committing truly heinous acts. 

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