Thursday, February 15, 2024

Today's warning: "CSIS warns that the 'anti-gender movement' poses a threat of 'extreme violence' to the 2SLGBTQ+ community in Canada"

Intelligence agency says risk will 'almost certainly continue' over the coming year

"Canada's intelligence agency is warning that extremists could "inspire and encourage" serious violence against the 2SLGBTQI+ community — a threat the Canadian Security Intelligence Service says almost certainly will continue over the coming year.

"CSIS's comments come as provincial policies on gender-affirming surgeries and pronoun preferences are being hotly debated across the country.

"CSIS assesses that the violent threat posed by the anti-gender movement is almost certain to continue over the coming year and that violent actors may be inspired by the University of Waterloo attack to carry out their own extreme violence against the 2SLGBTQI+ community or against other targets they view as representing the gender ideology 'agenda,'" said CSIS spokesperson Eric Balsam in an email to CBC News."


  1. The CSIS mouthpiece points to only one Canadian violent incident, and it's not clear that had anything to do with anti-LGBT sentiment. An Italian exchange student went crazy in a Gender Studies class at the U of Waterloo. When I was at school, Gender Studies was called Women's Studies, and it still covers much of the same feminist material I learned, along with new helpings of Judith Butler.

    I don't see how the actions of an Italian tell us anything about Canadian attitudes towards LGBT people or the alleged threat of copycat violence that never materialized. CSIS has offered no evidence at all to back up the claim that the "anti-gender movement" poses a threat of "extreme violence" to the "2SLGBTQ+ community" in Canada. But, I guess CSIS has to justify its budget somehow, and with the current government right-wing terror is an easier sell than the old "ecoterror" of the Harper years.

  2. There is plenty more evidence of gender based violence than this one incident you mention. Your strange fixation with the assailant's Italian background being somehow relevant to non-Italians' hatred and violence in our society is also strange. Take your head out of your ass, anonymous.
