Sunday, June 23, 2013

2nd Toronto Pride Week LGBT Short Film Festival launches Monday

After a very successful inaugural run in 2012, I'm very proud to be organizing the Canadian Media Guild's 2nd Toronto Pride Week LGBT Short Film Festival, which starts tomorrow. I've been working with other CMG volunteers to select a collection of great recent short films with LGBT themes, contact filmmakers or distributors to arrange to receive screening copies and working with CBC colleagues to make it happen. Again, it's been a lot of work, but also a lot of fun.

The festival highlights a number of excellent short films from recent years, including some award winners. The diverse 107-minute program will play continuously on a DVD loop in the Graham Spry Theatre in Toronto between 9 am and 9 pm from Monday June 24th to Friday June 28th (with an extra screening on Saturday June 29th from 12 pm to 5 pm.) The theatre is located near the Wellington Street entrance of the CBC Broadcast Centre.

And most important: ADMISSION IS FREE!


Monday, June 24, 2013 to Friday, June 28, 2013 from 9 am to 9 pm.

Saturday, June 29, 2013 from 12 pm to 5 pm.

Graham Spry Theatre, 1st floor of the CBC Broadcasting Centre

250 Front St. W., Toronto, Ontario

If you are in the Toronto area this week and want to check out some great LGBT short films, please consider dropping by!

Here's our Facebook event page for more information on the films selected.

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