Friday, August 14, 2009

The Golden Pin makes its international debut...

The short film I co-wrote and helped produce, The Golden Pin, enjoys its international premiere today, screening for the first time outside Canada at the North Carolina Gay and Lesbian Film Festival in Durham, NC.

Sadly, I nor my filmmaking partners, including director Cuong Ngo, are able to attend this weekend due to personal financial constraints. This is the reality for truly independent filmmakers who spend their own money to make films and promote them. As we roll our short film out on the festival circuit, we have to choose carefully which festivals to attend, balancing networking opportunities against our own budgetary constraints.

The Golden Pin will be screening next at the LGBT film festival next month in Oslo, Norway, and then at the San Diego Asian Film Festival in late October. We're hoping to add many more festival screenings as more festivals get back to us. Stay tuned.

In the mean time, if you want to follow our progress, join our Facebook group.

1 comment:

  1. hi Matt...congratulations !!! That's a real accomplishment. You can be really proud of yourself. I'm sorry you couldn't get down to Durham...but I guess you're waiting for the Fire Island Premiere eh? ;)
    You know I'd like to say some more good things but I'm too damn ENVIOUS!!!!! WAAAAAH!!!
