Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Brad Pitt admits to hot affair with male stripper...

Okay, the headline is fictitious, merely designed to evoke the kind of reaction that I'm sure Transformers hottie Megan Fox (pictured) will elicit with the new revelation that she had a lesbian affair at age 18. I don't buy it, but I'm sure Fox's many straight male (and gay female) fans won't mind and will buy more copies of the upcoming GQ Magazine as a result.

All the power to her. International stardom is a hard thing to build. Hot, young actors or actresses need to give their fans something to chew on if they're going to keep buying tickets and guaranteeing that star a higher salary. No, I'm not too cynical, am I?

Fox's lesbian affair couldn't be more perfect. Fox was 18 when it happened (of course), and it was with a Russian stripper named Nikita (In the words of the great Liberal ads from 2006, "We are not making this up.")

Fox is not the only female Hollywood star who is using male fascination with lesbo-eroticism to gain greater notoriety.

No matter how much I try not to, I continue to see stories about Lindsay Lohan's "relationship" with her female buddy Samantha Ronson and Lohan's father's never-ending disapproval. I'm sure he won't be happy reading about Lohan's upcoming same-sex wedding! Get over it and support your daughter, you dolt!

Do I believe any of these cooked up lesbian fantasies? Not really. Nor do I believe most Hollywood romances are real either.

But would I like to read about how Brad Pitt once had a hot affair with Edward Norton while filming Fight Club? Sure I would. How about Pitt and Tom Cruise while filming Interview With A Vampire? Okay, I won't go Sorry, Tom, you are not gay! lol

Until then, I'll have to content myself with the latest book about John Lennon's alleged homosexual lust for Paul McCartney.


Okay, as of Sept 23, Lindsay Lohan and Samantha Ronson have apparently confirmed they're together. Okay, I guess I'm too cynical and will need to work on I'll start by believing Megan Fox's stripper story.


  1. I love your blog. I know it's not a commercial product and shouldn't be evaluated as such, but if it were, I'd call this post a miss. Playing "gay or not" with pop celebrities? C'mon, man! Your readers are better than that.

  2. Thanks for loving my blog, geekwad. I'd disagree that I was playing "gay or not" with pop celebrities. I was more commenting on the tendency of some probably straight female celebs to play up the lesbo-erotic angle in order to win or solidify their fan base, so to speak...And of course also mention that there are few male stars who do the same thing. The post is considerably tongue in cheek.

    I'll not not to have any "misses" in future.
