Friday, August 31, 2007

First Gay Couple Legally Married in Iowa

The march toward equality for LGBT citizens continues in the United States.

This is a huge victory for equality in that country. Congrats to the couple who was married today as a result.

I hope and pray this good decision holds up under the inevitable appeal to Iowa's Supreme Court.


About 20 gay couples had applied for marriage licenses by 11 a.m. today when the Polk County Recorder announced that she had been instructed to stop accepting the applications. Recorder Julie Haggerty said the instruction came from the county attorney's office after Polk County Judge Robert Hanson, the same judge who threw out the ban, verbally issued a stay of his ruling at the county's request pending appeal. Equality under the law can be truly fleeting, can't it?

1 comment:

  1. Seems like the proper course and wait until the dust has settled; otherwise, you just cause procedural problems if it's reversed.
